Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Currahee in the dark


Six stallions took down Currahee today for a cool morning run.

4.5 milers did Pump Three Chopt, John Rolfe.
2 miler did Pump, Falconbridge, Raintree to Maremont.

Roger Roger took us out.

NMS – 2 mi group rather quiet – lost in thoughts of why backblasts take days to get done when not done right away. How many neighborhoods is this route, officially? Whatever happened to English basements? How is this route exactly 2 miles – who came up with this and other various ruminations.
There were a few discussions about why pax would HC a workout and then no show. Resolved. 1. that it happens to the best of us at times 2. A healthy ration of brotherly encouragement is warranted to avoid repeat performances.

Get some.


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