Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Lucky seven


A lucky Seven men joined up in the gloom on a dry 4C day for two routes today:

4 milers. run through and around DRP. 4.4 miles

5ish milers. Route below including Gaskins and the hill on Three Chopt returning through Cross Keys and Dover Hunt to Raintree – planned at 5.5, this route was 6 on the garmin.

Pinto took us out.

NMS – YHC has wanted to run this route for some time as it has good warmups, a solid hill push, and some hills to top it all off. This was a little longer than targeted, but the PAX drove through – we would likely agree that the three chopt hill is a real crowd pleaser. Splinter would approve.

Its been a year since we started exploring this running AO and this is exactly what we wanted. Lets get some more neighbors out.



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  1. Sorry to miss guys. Had an FNG I was communicating with show up at RAMM today. Looks like a good route. Looking forward to experiencing that hill.

  2. Darkness reigns. I think we passed two people invisible even to the powers of my spotlight.

    Good to run with Handshake and Pinto on different parts of the route.

    Summer can’t come soon enough for Gomer’s wardrobe.