Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Alternative Facts


3rd F: Thank you Handshake for taking us out in prayer.

2nd F: Check Slack for various opportunities. There appears to be many impromptu events that pop up during the day.
Side Note: If anyone has a lead sled for sighting in a new scope i’d love to host an event on my property for some distance rifle shooting.
can do some skeet as well over the cleared area.

1st F: The Thang
26 Currahee pax joined up for a classic style gear workout that include tire pulls, slam ball, cinder blocks, fire hose drag and about every other coupon a pax could dream up.
Handshake must have still been sipping on the Bourbon from that ABC commercial he is in when he said he wanted to do that weird triple stacked merkin accordion thing.. That was one exercise idea that went WAYYYYYYY to far. Come on man.. Social Distancing was created to prevent just such an exercise from actually making it from tiktok to real life. You just totally wrecked the gear vibe and now I guess we will have to just go run because i cant shake the idea of Gomer Pyle, Handshake, Splinter in a 3 person stacked merkin ladder.
at some point the night before there was some back and forth chatter about what we would be doing at Currahee and there was mention about a “Semi inaugural Second Anal Run for Rabies”? Yes that is all spelled like it was text. I think we will pass on that one. We were also informed it was Tyra Bank’s birthday and we should honor her. Had no idea GP was a fan of Tyra but I have new respect for him now.
Anyway, point being… Handshake messed up a perfectly good Gear workout… GP made a birthday cake for Tyra.. the unnamed wants to go on a Anal run.. and mushrooms are more related to animals than plants. Speaking of Mushrooms.. is Mellow Mushroom over on Broad st. by 288 any good?
At some point LightHouse gathered us all up and we left the AO for a nice little warm up jog. Up Pump to John Rolfe (this leg of the warm up was dedicated to the men and women that aided in the take back of Georgia from the French during the long 3 legged leprechaun siege against the crappy northern whiskey.
Left on Glen Eagles: This downward slope part of the run was dedicated to the generations before us that help push the Danes back across the Pacific Ocean to Antarctica in the famous battle over lost wooden shoes.
Cross over Ridge Field to Old Prescott Rd. and circle up in the court.

The main event: With it being December 4th YHC thought it would be a great day to honor our greatest generation and totally screwed up the dates… but I’m pot commit at this point and we are doing a dedication to D-Day. (thank you guys for the fun banter back and forth the day before and for GP deleting my post out of SLACK before i was jumped on even further by the entire RAV Pax. šŸ˜‰ )
CodenamedĀ Operation NeptuneĀ and often referred to asĀ D-Day, it was the largest seaborne invasion in history. The operation began the liberation of German-occupied France (and later western Europe) from Nazi control, and laid the foundations of the Allied victory on the Western Front. As our brave men stormed the well entrenched German forces they had no choice but to advance from the water line and sprint up the 5 beach fronts (Gold, Sword, Utah, Omaha, Juno) against heavy fire, land mines, and obstacles all while wearing everything they needed for the coming months. Before the battle ended: casualties were at least 10,000, with 4,414 confirmed dead.

We took on 4 of those beaches with race pace full speed from one end or Old Prescott to the other. (.4 miles) circle back for your battle buddies and then recover pace back to the start. Rinse and repeat for 3 more times.
5.5 miles in 45 mins.

Mole Skin:
Great job by all in the workout with some fun 2nd F ribbing at YHC expense. The Mubblechatter was great at Currahee on Friday and the pax company was perfect. This AO is quickly becoming a regular must attend for YHC on Fridays. The group runs, intervals, and chatter are always epic. I love how the end of most weeks at Currahee someone in the COT says something along the lines of … that was the furthest xyz… the was the fastest xyz… that was the most xyz that “I” had every done. This AO seems to be pushing pax outside of the comfort zone and you can physically see the pax and PAX accelerating themselves week over week.

Naked Moleskin:
If you are reading this:
Thank a Veteran today for his/her service allowing you to read this in a free country.

John (Gypsy) Boles


About Author

Raised in Hampton.. Two 2.0s.. Director of Expansion: Speed For Need.. F3 Nation Truebadour.. Brother in the Gloom.. A broken pax, but working daily to be better.


  1. I’m not going to lie. I was confused by how this BB started out. I must have missed much of that mumblechatter pre-launch.

    I thoroughly enjoyed the intervals though. The way to Splinter’s heart is through intervals. Well done.

  2. no worries Splinter… we were all just as confused as you.
    Great job on the intervals.. that hill at the end of Old Prescott was a beast