Monday, September 16
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

there’s no Dirty in fighting


As YHC neared the AO he was thankful to see other PAX members as many of the PAX said they may have tight backs this morning from lifting heavy the night before. YHC hasn’t picked up a Q in some time and had flashbacks of one of his first Qs on the way in to the AO. Due to the actions of TYA one saturday at Dog Pile, YHC had a misunderstanding of the Beast and confused the PAX on one of those first Q’s. The grumblings concerned the Q so he inquired and was enlightened by the seasoned vets. Apparently he was doing the beast the hard way. So, the plan this morning was to slay the beast the hard way. The PAX all mosey’d from home to the AO, so YHC decided to jump right into stretching out some tight backs.


The typical combo of Jazzercise, helicopters, DQ’s and merkins that the PAX enjoys doing in front of passer’s by. Then a short mosey by the warriors to engage the Altered Beast of New Market.

Altered Beast

Excercises build progressively prostitute style

6 merkins up and back at each stop, then 6 merkins + 6 double count mountain climbers and so on…

merkins, mountain climbers, LBCs, APDs, hello dollys, Rosalitas

With the beast properly slain and Dog Pound not pooped out yet we mosey’d back to the Flag for a victory training session at Dan’s Dojo.

The Dojo featured an assortment of

front kicks, round kicks, squats, timed jab/cross/uppercuts bursts, horse stance punching, Mr Miyagi’s (collar bone crushers), shuuto’s (soloplex busters) and sliding side kicks. A short discussion with Wilson was had as to whether crushing an opponent’s head was better for properly defeating an attacker as opposed to going straight for big jim and the twins.

YHC got the feeling that his martial artist beast masters were properly debriefed. On to a modified DORA

partner up for 50 merkins, 75 LBC’s while partner hits the hill

With Nancy, Wilson and Dog Pound making light work of the Mod DORA we did a ring of MARY, merkin Ring of Fire and called it.

Love the PAX, prayers we said for all of those out there in the matrix. Keep your head up, stay strong and we’ll be seeing you soon.

“Never put passion in front of principle, even if you win, you’ll lose.”

–Mr. Miyagi


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1 Comment

  1. Herme – the beast is tough the normal way, but the hard way is brutal. I think Dog Pound was just making Wilson feel good by hanging back with me. His running speed was amazing. Nice change up with the martial arts! Think I am gonna feel that later today. Good job men. SYITG