Monday, September 16
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

“Allison, this is the only size they come in”


22 Social Distance Runners and Riders posted (in small groups) to get their minds and bodies right.

The route: Grove to Boulevard (turn left) to Hanover (turn right) to negative split timer. Turn around come home – faster. Negative splits were the order of the day.

4 milers: 23 minutes out / 22 minutes back.

5 miles: 23:30 out / 21:30 back.

6 milers: 24 out / 21 back.

Push yourselves. Don’t hurt yourselves. The other order of the day.

Prayers to everyone as we/they navigate through these uncharted waters. But know this, it will pass, and when it does, we’ll all be better and stronger on the other side.


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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Great Meeting BT – Enjoyed the run too brother !
    Way to work guys – see y’all in the gloom…