3 pax defied the weather to take on Punisher: one regular, one semi- regular, and one Punisher Virgin stamping his Winter Tour card. No Q in sight so we set out to give GP a tour:
Cop- SSH, Don Q, imperial walkers, Merkins, flutter kicks.
Over to side wall- 3 sets of 30 Donkey kicks and run to sidewalk 10 Merkins.
Dial up did- block spaces – 10 lunges, 10 Squats, 10 Merkins. Repeato 6 sets. GP- triple check over at Gazebo: bench kicks, Shoulder Taps, run. HD- back to rubber top- 3 sets of 20 WWII & 8 Pull-ups.
Dial-up – lunges around planter boxes. GP- 3 sets of Burpees at soccer goals- 10 for 1st round, down to 5 for sets 2&3.
HD- Curb crawls then back to front of school for dry spot Mary quick audible on APDs as teachers leave to more respectful Flutter kicks. Back to flag.
NMS -YHC was worried he would be solo with Chum out and other on Punisher text chain but Garbage Plate arrived at 5:55 and Dial-up emerged from the rain at 5:58. Good times keeping Hot Potato moving.
We all laughed as we started APDs in the dry cover at the school front but a teacher walked out the front and Garbage Plate immediately transitioned us to a less obtrusive exercise to keep us in the LHES good graces.