Arm Circles (big and small, forward and reverse)
12 Days of Christmas
12 Rounds
Add exercise each round the number of added reps reflects the round number. Perform new exercises and back down to first round
- 1 Kettle Burpee
- 2 One Arm Snatches
- 3 Sit-up Presses
- 4 Merkin Rows
- 5 Boat canoes
- 6 Lawn Mowers
- 7 Goblet Squats
- 8 Clean and Press
- 9 2 Hand Swings
- 10 Tricep Extensions
- 11 Overhead Presses
- 12 Kettlebell Dirty Dogs
Chewy took us out
YHC had wanted to do a holiday themed Q, but was not able to until today. YHC was informed that Corned Beef had done one similar to this earlier in the holiday season, but he did not sing the song that goes with it, if that makes it better or worse is up to debate.
As always good work was put in by all
It was an honor to lead