Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Group of Three at Batteau


I’m pretty sure there’s a way to say this in French, but it escapes me right now. Anyways, three gloom warriors posted at the Stone House for some boat-ification, and here’s how it went:

COP: Don Quixote x 10, Imperial Walkers x 10, Moroccan Nightclubs x 20, Arm Circles (big) x 10 forward then reverso, Copperhead Squats x 10, Cherry Pickers x 10, Indiginous Peeps mosey past the tennis courts to the steps for

Thang 1: Grab a coupon and partner up. PAX 1: put coupon down (sweet!) Bernie Sanders to first light pole, forward sprint to second light pole, Bernie Sanders back to first light pole, forward sprint to steps. PAX 2: don’t put coupon down (%^#@!), American Hammers until PAX 1 returns. Flapjack. Set 2: Coupon Squat Presses. Set 3: Coupon Curls. Down the steps for:

Thang 2: Tour de Batteau: starting at gazebo/pavilion/boat place, Bear Crawl to first light pole, Burpee x 1. Lunge to second light pole, Burpees x 2. Bernie Sanders to third light pole, Burpees x 3. etc. Turns out there are ten light poles… and some are really REALLY far apart. IP run up the path for:

4.5MOM (sort of): Freddie Mercuries x 20, Hot Potato Merkins: Dmint: Hand Release x 10, Swirly: Close Grip x 10, Sippy: Wide Grip x 10.

COT: Announcements, prayer request for Dmint Sr. who is back in hospital for more bladder/kidney surgery, and YHC took us out. Strong work as always gents.




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