Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Three Paxateers


Three Pax members showed up for an Anvil beat down on a foggy Thursday morning. Since there was no Q, the Pax decided to hot potato the Q.

Bulkhead lead the COP:

Arm circles (10 big, 5 small) + reverse

Imperial walkers 4 count x 20

Helicopters 4 count x 15

Russian soldiers 4 count x 15

HRM 4 count x 15

Flutter Kicks 4 count x 20

SSH 4 count x 20

Mudface took the potato and introduced the Pax to Lindsay. 40 ‘merkins + 10 squats then run a lap around the track, 30 ‘merkins + 20 squats run a lap, 20 ‘merkins + 30 squats run a lap, 10 ‘merkins + 40 squats.

Trout took the Q (vq) next.

20 BonnieBlairs then Bernie Sanders up the hill at the end of the field then 20 LBCs at the top of the hill. Repeat 4 more times.

Numberama, namerama, Mudface took us out.


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