One scraggly warrior threw off the lure of the Fartsack to nomad today’s edition of tomorrow’s Spider Run, which given the Guamanian location, was temporarily renamed the Brown Tree Snake Run. The local old timers tell the tale something like this.
There were routes called out for 4, 5, and 6 miles.
4 Milers: No idea. But, at the end, make sure to turn right at the K-Mart, right at the next light, and left at the Louis Vuitton into the hotel.
5 Milers: No idea. But, at the end, make sure to turn right at the K-Mart, right at the next light, and left at the Louis Vuitton into the hotel.
6 Milers: Also, no idea. But, at the end, make sure to turn right at the K-Mart, right at the next light, and left at the Louis Vuitton into the hotel.
(Apologies to No Idea, who, if here, would have surely planned an actual route).
Actual route ended up being run to end of San Vittores Road, reverso up hill to Marine Corps Drive, south/southwest to K-Mart, then right, right, and left. About 4.75 miles in 45 minutes.
YHC is fortunate enough to have a business trip to Guam this week, where it’s actually sunny and 70 (or 80) every day. With rainbows. And, humidity to make Richmond in the summer blush. YHC believes a unicorn will appear before noon. Consider Tumon, Guam, a little F3 fantasy land. (Actually, everything but the unicorns so far has been true). TYA may want to consider this a retirement home option.
As faithful readers of this blog will note, YHC has a (deserved) reputation for being competitive about, shall it be said, anything/everything/unimportant things. His M has noted that YHC wins “contests other people do not know they are engaging in.” Thus, it is with absurd, misplaced pride that YHC has always wanted to be the first to post tomorrow’s back blast, today. Done. Special thanks to the International Date Line for helping make this possible. (As Johnsonville will attest, the Official F3 rules listed on the walls at Dogpile state that back blasts can be posted up to 24 hours prior to or after a workout.)
About the route…YHC arrived in the middle of the night and drove only the modest distance from the airport to the hotel area. From the ride in, it’s apparent that Guam has a mixture of the 1980s, 90s, and 2000s retail…Circle K would be proud that the first thing visitors see is a Circle K. Home Depot was a surprise as was Little Caesar’s. Burger King and McDonald’s were not. Givency, Burberry, Louis Vuitton, Michael Kors, and Rolex were all surprises…. But, K-Mart takes the cake…it’s certainly been a few years since YHC has seen one, and open 24 hours at that. This made YHC wonder if today was tomorrow or yesterday. Rumors also abound of a Winchell’s Donuts…which YHC has not experienced since the 70’s growing up in LA. Sounds like a solo 2nd F opportunity…
UpChuck spits the bit.
Great day for a run here. Lab Rat, the local retail has not changed much since you were here. Every shopping mall has a noodle place and a massage parlor.
Great BB and travel safe. Agreed with your Ms assertion of competing in “contests other people do not know they are engaging in.” This is a certified way to win and feel superior.
Hardywood, put this on your wish list of books for Christmas. It’s a book about competition and games… “How to Win Games and Beat People.” Do not go cheap…buy the full hard cover edition. It’s worth every penny.
Wasn’t sure if you were kidding about going to Guam, guess you weren’t. Plus I think Guam wins in BB from farthest distance from RVA.
TCLAPS UpChuck! Great BB and safe travels!!
Well done Upchuck, safe travels. Watch out for those brown tree snakes and dead poisoned mice dropped to curb the population. Can’t win unless you play the game, can’t lose if no one else knows they are playing.