F3 Charlottesville Week 4 went off without a hitch and again pulled 12 hearty PAX: 3 Roanokers, 1 Chapel Thriller and 8 natives. We had perfect temps, a slick layer of dew and a warming (read: blazing) sunshine for a solid beatdown. It is obvious from the smiles that F3 Charlottesville is going to be a solid post for the Nation.
The Roanoke clown car planted their flags at 6:35 or so and got a good lap in around #BookerT to check out the AO. There was no cut through to the middle school that appeared on the google map image, but there was plenty of area to work with. We scared off three young bucks as we took the trail up toward the pool/playground area only, then worked our way back down the big steep hill, with Solo pretty much sledding down on his rear (Q audible!).
Speed Limit arrived with the C-Ville shovel flag and after some introductions with the first 10 PAX, we were off. As we ran the site counter clockwise, we pick up a runner, FNG Spudnuts, (formerly known as David). We circle the site and head back down the trail and back to the shovel flags for warm up after proper intros and disclaimer. At some point Goodwill rolls in to round us out to 12 PAX.
Warm Up: SSH x50, WMH x10, IW x25, Arm Circles x30, Reverse Arm Circles x30, Rubios x30, Mountain Climbers x20, ATMs x10, all IC.
Part 1 (Dunphy):
Bear Crawl to end of field, 20 Hand Release Merkins, Lunge Squat walk back with 3 squats for every cycle of lunges.
Partner up for an abbreviated BOMBS: Cumulative count of 50 reps of each exercise, while one man runs to sidewalk and back. Burpees, Overhead Claps (cadence count), Merkins (hand release), Big Boy Situps, Squats. Plank, low squat hold or LBCs until all finished each set. PAX is well done enough especially with the sun and mouthfuls of bugs and fresh cut grass, but they buck up for Assisi to dish out a little humility…
Part 2 (Assisi):
One minute (i.e. to failure) of Dips, Tuck Jumps, Merkins. Repeato and compare max out number.
Partner up, to DORA-fy this experiment. On the dips, on partner is holding while other does 10, switch off and repeat until time called. On the tuck jumps, one partner is in low squat hold, 10 reps and switch. On the merkins, one partner is in plank while the other (tries) to knock out 10 merkins, switch repeato.
Back to middle of field, bear crawl to sidewalk, 20 burpees and crab walk back, relief only comes as the clock approaches 7:55 and time for…
Mary: Dealer’s Choice…Weezy Jeffersons (nice Solo!), Penguin Crunches, LBCs, Flutter Kicks and 6 inch hold to close us out.
Count, Name-o-rama, Ball-o-man.
Great to have 3 FNGs join the F3 C-Ville ranks. Inky (fore-fathers) and Big Daddy (South Boston speedway) join Ash Lawn and True North in the hate age contingent (sub30) and brought it strong all the way through. FNG Spudnuts came bounding in off a few mile EC run (looking like he could knock out 20 more) and took on whatever was thrown at him. Respect!
An honor to lead and great to co-Q with an old friend. Thanks to the supportive F3 Charlottesville PAX and to F3 Richmond for picking up the flag and #givingitaway to the men of Charlottesville.
Definitely some mumble chatter about getting a Wednesday workout going. It just takes one champion! F3 C-Ville is stacked with #HIMs and ready to #grow!
Coffeeteria at Bodos. (I’ll be a monkey’s uncle if that new york water doesn’t make those bagels.)
Well done dudes – keep it up !
Awesome to see 3 more FNGs for week 4. Nice work Cville! I knew the Roanoke PAX would be bringing BOMBS over from the Valley.
Nice work, #F3charlottesville. Solid group of guys who bring it. You guys rock.
Remember that 64 goes both ways…feel welcome to visit us in Richmond anytime.
Great work, men! Was Spudnuts a flying EH? If so, mad props to whoever pulled it off!
Looking forward to week 6 when I get to come up (finally)
Way to work fellas…Continue to grow this gift men
When is Flipper going to Q in Cville? It IS the closest AO to your house…
Great work. Keep EHing. Weekday workouts are what starts to bond the group together.