Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

One more time around NY


Two posted once more in the bright lights of sin city.  Here’s how it went down:

  • Warmup COP in front of Statue of Liberty at NYNY: SSH, hillbillies, imperial walkers, merkins
  • Mosey to steps by bridge from NYNY to Excalibur for Dora 1,2, 3: inclined 100 merkins, 200 lbc, 300 squats while partner runs up and down bridge steps
  • Mosey to area in front of Excalibur for 11s: box jumps and dips
  • Mosey to turf area in front of Tropicana for triangle of pain: lunge to corner one for 20 WWII sit-ups, bear crawl to second corner for 10 merkins, side lunge to corner 3 for 15 Carolina dry docks, repeato x3 and increase each exercise by 5 on ea. rotation
  • Mosey back to NYNY for mary

NMM: This was another great motivator not to stay out too late, and we were supposed to be accompanied by two F3 brothers YHC met on a run yesterday morning.  They failed to show at the appointed time, so Canuck and YHC took on the workout together.  Always good to run into Canuck at these things and keep the fart sack at bay.

Keep all of those seeking employment or getting tough job news in your prayers.

Stay Classy,



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