The PAX has been killing it with the physical workouts but we think that it is time to RISE UP and engage in some spiritual workouts as well.
1 Timothy 4:8 in the Bible states, “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things,holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”
We need BOTH physical AND spiritual training if we want to see true change in our lives.
We will be seeking to provide some tools to help men attack the SadClown Syndrome and improve our marriages, parenting, leadership and overall life. We can’t face life’s challenges alone and we need more. We need God’s help to attack and overcome our struggles (and we all have battles we are fighting or avoiding).
F3’s mission is, “to plan, serve and grow men’s small workout groups, in order to reinvigorate male community leadership.” We want to build upon the foundation of the first two F’s and light up the 3rd F in a way that not even Charlotte has figured out!
How will we do this?
This first spiritual workout will meet at Rise & Shine Diner (10372 Leadbetter Rd
Ashland, VA 23005) at 6:30 am for one hour of hard-hitting conversations and action steps. We will take this Thursday morning to discuss what this can be and what we want to attack together. No doubt, we want this to be a lot more than a cute Bible study or an intellectual exercise. We want to see our lives impacted and changed!
We will be looking to start other spiritual workouts with additional spiritual Qs that challenge us to go deeper with our faith in God and with one another. It is time to rise up!
Are you IN? Decide now to SHOW UP and see how a spiritual workout can build on the physical workouts.
The Carpenter – with inspiration from Abacus, Wild Thing and Spit!
Carpenter–this is a great idea. I can’t make it on Thursday, but keep me in the loop. If any of you are coming to Dogpile, let’s chat afterword.
Sounds good, Sippy Cup. I could envision a bunch of these starting up all around Richmond at various times at various places with different sizes (sound like the workouts?). I’m planning on being there on Saturday at this point so let’s plan on chatting then.
The GridIron PAX welcomes this development, and I will make every effort to be there tomorrow even if I have to leave Circus Maximus (leaving Johnsonville, White Deer, Attila, and FlipPhone to fend for themselves).
FYI: we’ve been running a “Pre-Game” at GridIron for the last 18 months and it has been well received. We just finished an 8 week look at The Armor Of God seeking to build up our spiritual defenses. Other series have included Leadership Lessons from the Old Testament, including a look at David the “911 Guy.”
In the planning stages is a “Faith Apron Club” modeled after Ben Franklin’s secular Leather Apron Club (Junto). First tentative presenter is a local guy who has authored a couple of apologetics books, the most recent of which concerns his faith journey on the Camino de Santiago – the Way of St. James. We would love to get some Pan Pax support and attendance hard commits. Date TBD but probably looking at February.
In any event, I’m glad to share GridIron’s “Pre-Game” program and our future plans. If CM wrecks me tomorrow morning and I miss the 0630 gathering, please feel to reach out to J’Ville or me and let us know how we can join this excellent effort.
Thank you, Earthworm.
There is a stirring here. I am greatly looking forward to brainstorming some action plans. Let’s see what the men bring to the discussion tomorrow morning and we’ll then chart a way forward.
If you are storming into this gathering tomorrow then please come ready to engage in a lively discussion on what this can be. This is the beginning of something that will have ripple effects all around Richmond. See you in the gloom at a different kind of workout!