11 stalwarts posted for a Sunday trail run. Weather at the start was 70, high humidity.
The Thang
Southside to Northside trail (optional hills on Belle Isle)
Toga and BT posted at 630 for a pre trail run jaunt around Dogwood Dell. They are prepping for the Spartan race on the 24th, and were pumping out a mile and then dropping down for some burpees. They joined us at 7am for the trail run proper, but continued the burpees along the way.
Conspiracy and Fudd ran together today the front of the PAX so they could get to church as early as possible. YHC got a text from Fudd at 5 of seven saying he was going to be a minute or so late. When I explained to the PAX that we were going to wait for Fudd, they observed that if Fudd said he was going to be a minute late, that must mean he’s going to be about 20 minutes late. Fortunately Fudd posted before the appointed 7am start. He reported that he had stayed up last night to watch “Ray, Ray” and couldn’t get to sleep after the show because he was so pumped up. As Fudd pointed out, running with little sleep would be good practice for the BRR.
Good second F at ET’s after the run. BT and Lab Rat both reported that they were going to just stop for Coffee and head home. The magnet of the 2nd F along with too many funny stories kept both of them there for 45 minutes or so.
Saab was missed out there today. There are not many Sunday trail runs when Saab does not post. It was strange for YHC to not see Saab every 15 minutes or so checkin on the back of the PAX. Hopefully he got a good long (but flat) run in at Kiawah Island.
BRR two weeks out.
Spartan and bike ride a month out.
Reese Stronge in 3 weeks.
Nice numbers for the Sunday run. The trails, the PAX, and the 2nd F were sorely missed and occupied my thoughts during my morning slogs – as did anticipation of the BRR. (Running alone, at the beach, is overrated.)
Saab out
How did you not mention Boba Fett and the light saber battle on the Belle Isle stairs? I thought Toga joined them for a minute when he ran ahead.
It was good to get back out there, and I’m feeling it today for sure. Boba Fett and the film crew was really strange. I thought it was a legit Power Ranger sighting at first.
Let’s be honest, the only Jedi in the official continuum who hang with a female in Mandalorian armor are guys. I don’t think they knew what they were doing. If you know what I’m talking about, then you can’t criticize. I did consider joining them, but I’ve never seen a exhausted sweaty dude with a camelback in any of the films.
Did Earthworm right that for you? Cause just like his backblasts, I can read the words but no pictures appeared in my head.
It takes a set of big ones to show up at Belle Isle dressed like Star Wars figures though.
Only a true idiot would write “right” and mean “write”….without having a smart phone to blame it on.
I thought I was the only one who saw that #hallucinations