A group of 7 (listed as PAX above) has expressed interest in representing F3 Richmond and making dinner for the guests of The Doorways on Monday, May 23. I spoke to JC Poma, Community Outreach Manager, and he has suggested that we make Breakfast for dinner (waffle irons are available). (waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, hashbrowns). I’ll be heading over to The Doorways tomorrow to save some things in their donation pantry/freezer for our meal on Monday. I’ll augment with a trip to Costco over the weekend. I’ll comment on this post once I know more.
Plan on arriving at 5pm. We’ll serve & eat dinner between 6:30-7pm.
We could call a few games of bingo afterwards, while the rest of us clean up. Does anyone have any good ideas for prizes to give away for bingo?
Is anyone other than the 7 listed interested in attending?
Address: 612 East Marshall Street
Richmond, VA 23219
(Located at the corner of 7th and Marshall Streets and adjacent to the Richmond Coliseum)
Parking is available on site: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4q2fKMZOzJgcmxxM2tybjlKaVk/view?usp=sharing
More info: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4q2fKMZOzJgZVQ3clRhTml6ZWc/view?usp=sharing
Respond if you’re not listed and are interested in attending. Thanks!
DK – this is awesome and right up my alley (cooking and even calling a bingo game) Unfortunately I am traveling this weekend through Tuesday and will miss this. Bingo prizes that are always a hit are gift cards and CASH (run a quick progressive game) Touch base with Aisle 5 as I know he also has bing experience – not sure if he can cook!
Excellent job organizing this DK! Thanks to all the pax that volunteered their time…