Wednesday, January 22
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Stick to your cell


A PAX of 11 assembled for this morning’s version of #ThePunisheRVA.  It went down like this:

Mosey to south lawn for initial COP – 25 x Don Quixote, 25 x Imperial Walkers, 20 x Arm Circles (forward and back), 20 x Ball Dippers.

Jog to the back soccer field for:  High Knees over, Butt Kicker’s back, down and back twice more at increasing intensity.

Saunter around the school to the front parking lot for the Prison Cell workout.  Pick a parking place for a series of exercises – all exercises completed within a single parking space.

Round 1 – Windshield Wipers for time, 25 x Prisoner Squats, 25 x Merkins, 50 x LBCs, 25 x SSH, and hold Al Gore until all are finished.

Round 2 – Bear Crawl for time, 25 x Side Lunges, 25 x Carolina Dry Docks, 50 x Flutter Kicks, 25 x Jump Squats, and hold Al once again.

Round 3 – Side Walk Plank for time, 25 x Lunges, 25 x Wide Grip Merkins, 50 x Freddy Mercury, 25 x High Knees, and Al.

Round 4 – Windmills for time, 25 x Wide Squats, 25 x Close Grip Merkins, 50 x Hello Dolly, 25 x Hop Forward / Lunge Back, and Al.

Round 5 – Crab Walk up and back for time, 25 x 180s, 25 x Wide Grip Carolina Dry Docks, 50 x Rosalitas, 25 x two count Mountain Climbers, and, once again, Al Gore.

Jog 30 feet to the ShovelFlag for COT.


Great attendance this steamy morning.  Good to see Shortcut (Robert) from F3 Hotlanta – welcome brother.  Good to see UTI this morning also (and the rest of you fellas).

PAX discussed various running options during the week in preparation for BRR – option this Wednesday at U of R and another trail run on Sunday near the James River.

Contact TYA if you want a slot for the October Rugged Maniac race.

TYA has invited the F3 Richmond crew to socialize at an open house he’s having next Monday – this event would replace our social event otherwise scheduled for next week.  TYA can provide some details.

Regular schedule for the rest of the week.  Sign up for Q slots!


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