Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Making Turkey Day Noise in Windsor Farms


Aye, 9 pax emerged from the Gloom for The ‘Mond’s first Thanksgiving Day Convergence workout.

The Thang:

Warmup COP at Mary Munford: SSHs, Merkins, Imperial Walkers, Mountain Climbers, Hello Dollies

Run down Cary Street to Windsor Way, take Red Brick Road into the heart of Windsor Farms, running to lawn in front of Grace Baptist Church, at Windsor Way and Oxford Road, with a couple of plank stops along the way.

11s on lawn of Grace Baptist: 10 burpees at one end of the lawn, sprint to other end for 1 knee-up, sprint back to do 9 burpees, sprint back for 2 knee ups … to 1 burpee and 10 knee-ups.

Run down Hathaway to Canterbury-Sulgrave-Clovelley for one minute Plank of Respect and Thanks to our nation’s soldiers, next to the Civil War Trenches.

Over to Canterbury-Sulgrave Triangle for Johnsonville-led 6MoM: Rosalita; LBCs; Freddie Mercury; Flutter Kicks; Protractor.

Run back to Oxford side of lawn, stopping at each intersection for sets of 5 or 10 OYO burpees.

On the Red Brick Road — alternative Crab Walk/Bear Crawl/Walking Lunge between Oxford and Cambridge, followed by 5 OYO burpees, then run to end of RBR at Cary Street. Set of dips on the benches in the shelter at Cary, followed by final set of OYO burpees.

Run back to Mary Munford for COT.

Spreadsheets from the Gloom:

_ It was a real honor to be back in The Mecca to lead for the first time since I came to lead the pre-launch workouts in September, and to meet some of the new faces that have joined the Movement since then.

_ Paroled from Quantico for the holiday weekend, Conspiracy continues to set the pace among the Richmond pax, easily lapping the Q during the 11s on the church lawn. I’m almost afraid to post for his co-Q at Gridiron on Saturday.

_ Windsor Farms may be one of the fanciest ZIP codes in the RVA, but its residents need to do a better job cleaning up after their four-legged friends. There was a filled-up plastic bag of dog poop sitting in the middle of the Red Brick Road, and The Yankee Aggressor met up with some unbagged dog poop during our 6MoM on the Sulgrave-Canterbury Triangle.

_ TYA was headed for a double-down at a Turkey Trot 5K, but it was unclear whether he planned to remove the dog poop before the race or not; we can only hope his fellow 5Kers were able to stay upwind of him.

_ The Scream hesitated a bit when YHC asked him to embody his nickname at the end of a countdown from 10, but then complied after a demonstration of what I was looking for. Just looking to shake things up a bit in the WF …

_ The Charlotte guy who was walking his dog around the edge of the church lawn while we did our 11s told Conspiracy, who finished early and went over to talk, that we looked a lot like this group of guys who work out in Charlotte called F3 … He says he knows Dredd but hasn’t yet posted to an F3 workout in Charlotte; that will need to be remedied.

_ Thanks for letting me lead and I look forward to my next visit.



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