Aye! It was a perfect morning in Old Dominion and so 24 redwoods gathered to firmly plant the RVA Shovel Flag. Here is what they accomplished:
The Thang:
Quick Welcome & Intro #disclaimer
Run past pop warner pre-superbowl prep and over to Short Pump Middle School
First field closed – mosey down to second
SSH x 20
Merkins x 10
Squats x 15
Imperial Walkers X 12
Mountain Climbers x 15
Mosey to baseline
Run down field
Run back
Bear crawl to 40, sprint remainder – planks
Bear crawl to 50, sprint remainder – planks
Backwards run down
Karaoke R and L back
Belly sprint down, 10 merkins, run back
Plank-a-rama (R arm, L arm, Northern Agressor, Southern Gentleman)
Hand off to Toga
Burpees x 6 OYO
Marching plank
Suitcase | Full Extensions
Close grip merkins
Peter Parker
Heels to Heaven
Hand off to Johnsonville
LBC x 18
Bicycle x 12
Russian twists x 12
Ran up to other field, snaking up and down hill along the way
Field still closed
Run behind northern endzone
Low slow squats x 12
Slow alternating side lunges x 12
Squat jumps x 12
Q back to Blue
Lunge walk length of parking lot
Plank-a-rama (R arm, L arm, 6 inches w Toga 20 count)
Partner up and mosey over to SP school wall
Partner 1 – hold people’s chair
Partner 2 – run down lot to cone and back (est. 100 yds total)
Flapjack and repeato
Mosey back to field for 6 Minutes of Mary (6MOM)
Dolly x 12
Rosalita x 12
LBC x 12
Heels to Heaven x 12
Boat \ Canoe
To baseline for 3 rounds of Al Carmichael
Round 1: 5 merkins (@25, 50, 75, 75, 50, 25 yd lines)
Round 2: 5 squats
Round 3: 1 burpee
Indian Run back to parking lot through Pee Wee Superbowl #fail
T-claps to all of the RVA #redwoods for coming out this morning. Was great to have you in the mix and YHC can tell this is going to be a strong PAX that develops in and around Richmond.
Wow…the Richmond youth football scene is alive and well. Parents and kids descended on that AO pre 0700 and were tailgating like it was RFK in ’91. ACDC and Metallica were cranking early from the speakers and was a nice welcome to our pain fest on the nearby fields. Enjoy that next week fellas.
Toga and Johnsonville did a solid job taking Q duties at the inaugural plant. OBT taught you boys well. That’s what it is all about and no doubt more can step in next week.
Have to send a special thanks to Donor Kebab who showed true RVA hospitality to Nancy Drew and YHC upon arrival Friday evening. Cold beer, a warm meal and a place to crash was key. Send our thanks to the M as well DK.
Coffeeteria location seemed to be a pretty good fit. Was great to get to know everyone a little more that came over. #2ndF
Shout outs from the morning include:
Always great to see Father\Son duos in the Gloom: Earthworm\Grub and Orville\Wilbur. Wilbur looking to help us plant that LA (Lovely Augusta) flag soon from what I can tell.
Cousteau adding another JMU alum to the ranks of F3 Nation…gotta love that. We roll strong down in CLT Brother. Come visit.
Snowden loves his name. Bleeder nailed it.
Cauliflower was pushing the pace at the front with Orville, Camper and Conspiracy…probably more. Keep raising the bar fellas…will make you and everyone else stronger.
Holly stayed with it for the entire hour…have to applaud the fortitude. Nicely done and hope to see your name in the PAX list next week.
This workout was old hat for JP. He’ll be leading in no time.
Encourage all of you guys to get active on twitter and start talking it up. It’s a great way to build the 2nd F amongst the PAX and share the news of your new AOs and workouts you’re planning. @F3Richmond is your home base.
Speaking of…0530, Thursdays at Mary Munford, bootcamp. First weekday workout already on the calendar. Start thinking of a name for these workouts. #character
And send a note to Superman at reeves.davis@gmail.com for your website login and credentials. Send hospital name and F3 handle. Thanks Superman.
T-claps to TML and Nancy Drew for making the trip up. Disney, Sir Topham, Chong Li and a posse from Raleigh are all heading up next week to join in the fun. Work your own EHs this week and bring one or two buddies with you when you post. Bleeder already has it down to a science with the front door chauffeur service…no one can deny that.
Was an honor to lead you men this morning and start to see the magic of F3 start to take root. Own it, build it, lead it, share it. #mission #leap
T-Claps F3 Richmond and Blue, Toga, and Johnsonville! Keep up the good work brothers!
Welcome Richmond! Aye!
Awesome start and can’t wait to watch it grow!
Great workout! Looking fwd to getting my sorry butt into shape as we grow this thing!
Great start Brothers.