Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

5-man rotation at SOT


5 SOJ regulars posted to chilly SOT this morning to start hump day right…with some ice cold Gumbo. A dreaded 5-man roster didn’t phase YHC – with The Suck always in my back pocket, I knew exactly what to serve today — but some appetizers first…it was served this way:

Mosey down to the far bus loop for COP, including DQs, Helicopters, SSHs, Arm Circles, Copperhead Squats, Copperhead (Tempo) Merkins, and LBCs.


11s – line up on the sidewalk by the school to start, do 10 merkins and 1 jump squat, sprint across tot he edge of parking lot near Midlo Trnpk, do 9 and 2….and so on.

Variety Mosey – Mosey around the side of the school by various means – lunge, bob n weave, backwards lunge, bear crawl, crab walk…

Donkey Kick Routine – Find a spot on the wall and wall-sit for 30 seconds and instructions. Then perform 20 donkey kicks, bearcrawl to the end of the grass (err, mud) and do 20 Carolina Dry Docks and backpedal back to the wall and wall sit for the 6 + 30 seconds together. Repeato x3 but during round 2 the bearcrawls became polar bears.

Variety Mosey #2 – Mosey around the back of the school and down the hill to find another wall by the bathrooms by various means, including high knees, buttkickers, karaoke and plain old moseying.

The Suck – line up along the back of the restrooms for 4 stations of exercises – HRMs, Flutter Kicks, SSHs, Box Cutters. 5th PAX runs up the hill and back down and we all rotate when runner returns….Repeato x2

Where have the Chickenpeckers Gone? – One the F3 RVA flavor of the month, they have been absent lately, but not this morning. Assume the pecker position on the wall (aka – Balls To The Wall) and perform 10 Chickenpeckers IC.

Mosey a lap around the track to let the blood drain from our head.

Back on the wall for 10 more Chickenpeckers IC.

Even-numbered Burpee Shuffle – Mosey back to the Flag area and circle up for instruction. The instructions were Burpee Shuffle but the only options were even single-digit numbers (and 0 is not even, and the number must be positive), so the options were 2-4-6-8, and you can’t repeat the number said before you. Off to a swimming start with 4 by Tobit, then 2 by Rosie, then 6 from Bullseye, then 4 from Doozy (I’m sure thinking he was being nice and leaving the obvious 2 for the Q) and finally, 8 from YHC…ouch 24 Burpees! Well done fellas…oh wait, we have 2 minutes

2 Minutes of Mary – Freddie Mercuries ICx25 and 45 seconds of holding 6 inches.

Boom, the BELL is ringing time to wrap it up.

COT, Number-rama, Name-a-rama and YHC took us out.

Announcements: Nothing new. Grow-Ruck is a week away. Dredd has the Q at Dogpile at 0700 that Saturday morning. Sounds like some crazies are planning to pre-game with Breakfast Club at its normal 0530 and a Proper Dogpile warm-up. Is that CSAUP Plan confirmed? Plan to attend what you can!


It was downright cold this morning, but after the 11s I think everyone was warmed up. YHC pulled in at 0520 to find an empty Bullseye-mobile. Turns out Andy must have put some caffeine or sugar in the feedbox for old Bullseye last night and sleep was not happening, so like any good F3RVA Man he chose an extra credit run instead. Respect, sir.

Mumblechatter was relatively light this morning but I’m chalking that up to some solid work being done. We packed a lot in, and the return of the Chickenpeckers was fun for all…though it didn’t feel right without DK – oh well, they will appear again soon.

Be super and have a great day men!

No More Gumbo For You!


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  1. I really liked the variety mosey Gumbo, well played. I’m not sure if I liked the chicken peckers quite as much but like I tell my kids “we all have to do some things that we don’t like, it builds character!”