Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Watch Where You Step


The dirty dozen showed up today for good running weather before arctic temperatures descend upon us.  YHC called the route and over the river and through the woods we went – out and back.

The Route

Exit UR through the River Road entrance and take the bridge across the river.  Pick up Riverside Drive and head down river.  Turn at appropriate way points.

Gomer Pyle took us out.  Welcome back!


Plenty of odd behavior around the lake today starting with odd disturbances with the ducks.  Perhaps there was an alligator causing the commotion, or maybe spring time came early with these waterfowl.  Either way, there were waves on the lake.

Finishing our time at the AO, YHC walked to his car parked along the new brick sidewalk that took a year to build and almost stepped in the largest pile of vomit ever seen.  Nasty stuff.  Who eats a whole platter of french fries and gets sick before six in the morning?  Maybe it was the ducks.

There is definitely something going on at the lake today, so watch where you step.  (See TYA, the backblast title wasn’t about you.)


  • Hold the date for the F3 camp out – September 21.  Vinny is on point.  Farm needed.  Inquire with him.

Time to Stop Tapering,



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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Enjoyed the bridge run today fellas – great job !
    See y’all in the gloom..