Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Lone Wolf


As I ran to the AO in complete silence this morning (which was awesome)  I already knew that there were a few regulars that would not be there. Running in boots through a foot of snow I was breathing fairly heavy as I arrived. There was a black truck headlights facing the opposite direction of how we usually park so I could not be sure it was one of us. Come to find out it was my buddy Flange! OK I thought – party of two ! Errrrr… Flange jumped out of the truck an informed me that he had forgot to bring his shoes which fit inside his hunting boots. So the right call was made – dude get back in the truck. After a brief enjoyable cold conversation Flange hopped back in the truck and rolled. So solo Q it is….

Run back the way I came  through the neighborhood( total miles = 2)  – which as you can imagine was no joke this morning…

Clean off two cars – clean off a pathway on the steps = boom ! Nothing too special or creative but I worked up a good sweat. Looking forward to seeing how Spider run will work tomorrow ??

Yes Flange you get Big Data credit – cause you showed up buddy. I know you were willing to stay and plow through but you made the right call – better to keep your toes 🙂

See y’all in the gloom..


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  1. Mad to have missed. I’ve been looking forward to a snow beatdown for months. Our street is a sheet of ice. Well done Swirly. I too am curious about Spider Run – slip and slide.