Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Murph: After Dark


11 WDog regulars posted today to take on The Murph, two of whom were first timers to the prescribed beatdown.

The Murph: Run 1 mile. Stop 3/4 of the way for planks to collect the six. Head into the rusty cage as one.

10 sets: 10 pull-ups / 20 merkins / 30 squats

Run 1 mile back to the flag. Stop 3/4 of the way for 10 helicopters IC to collect the six.

Elliot took us out.

Announcements: CSAUP on 10/20. See TYA for details / Marmaduke is collecting winter coats on Saturdays at either AO for the forseeable future. Let’s help him out. Kids, adults, all sizes are welcome.

Moleskin: Today we were without Sippy Cup (who reportedly stayed up late watching his beloved Cubs lose in 13 innings to the Rockies – sorry dude), which means we were without light. Which means the journey into the rusty cage was treacherous. Not being able to see your hands in front of your face made things interesting for a bit. Hardywood was up to the challenge though, and lead the way. It was as if he turned off his vision and followed the smell of rust, sweat and promise. The night vision set in as we arrived, and we got to work.

YHC has only experienced The Murph twice prior to today, but really likes what is stands for. F3 prides itself on “push yourself, don’t hurt yourself,” and there may be no better example or opportunity to do exactly that, than The Murph. Whether you’re an FNG or a 4 year vet, this beatdown forces you to push your limits for a full 45 minutes, and it does so with a complete body workout. On top of that, it forces you to check yourself mentally. A lot of what we do during our workouts in physical, but the mental sharpening and focus is equally important. The Murph ensures mental strength is a focal point as well.

It was the perfect morning for The Murph, and I was honored to have y’all along for the ride.

Res Ipsa Loquitur – The Beatdown Speaks for Itself.



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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    The Murph is always an ass kicker and I love it !
    Great job guys – y’all crushed it!
    See ya in the gloom…

  2. I have not been this smoked in quite some time. Big thanks to Key Master for partnering up, no way I get through this without a little help. Make it a great one fellas.

  3. I’m glad Mary Mumford doesn’t have many pull up bars, little risk of more pull ups tomorrow.

  4. You just affirmed my decision to fartsack this morning. Looking forward to getting a beatdown tomorrow that has fewer than 100 pullups!