Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Return of Complex Directions


Thirteen guys basically knew where they were supposed to go.

Here’s where:

  • R on UR Drive
  • R on Westhampton Way
  • R on Keller, cross College to Glen Parkway
  • R on Westham
  • L on Baldwin
  • R on Patterson
  • R on Hollins and immediately L on Woodbury
  • R on Horsepen (6s add a trip up Horsepen to Patterson and back down)
  • 4s through Fraternity Row and back to SF
  • 5s/6s left on Hampshire to Wheeler and through the path to Campus
  • 5s/6s take Campus Drive toward Towanna
  • 6s add Bostwick
  • 5s/6s R on Towanna into Roselawn then the path back onto UR Drive and back to SF


Somehow YHC has only Q’d SpiderRun once in the past year.  For those that like things simple that’s a good thing.  But some of us prefer route confusion to take our minds off the fact that we’re running.  Anyhow, great to be back on the sheet and everyone seemed to figure it out.  Credo is something like leave no dudes behind and leave no hills un-run, right?  YHC believes that was accomplished.


  • Prayers for Bodos’ family and all in and around western NC
  • New Monday workout at St. Chris’s track – see OBT

About Author

When EF Hutton speaks, people listen.

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