10 Reservoir Ruckers of the SOJ variety made their way to Sunday Park on a Tuesday to start October with a Ruck. This is the start of a monthly ruck group that will meet the first Tuesday of each month. Each month we will rotate the route throughout SOJ and will drop a pin and details in slack.
Jackets or no Jacket? 70% change of getting wet but headed out in a mist around Swift Creek Reservoir following the golf course paths and back on Brandermill Parkway. 2-40 pound sand packs were being passed around in addition to our rucks as we made our way through 3.38 Miles at a 18 minute mile pace coming into Sunday Park in 60 minutes.
COT: Finished with Numbers and Names and YHC closed us out in prayer.
Find the next Ruck in November for your chance to earn a series of patches that Crabgrass has developed to commemorate the times had on the trails.
October 25-27: Family Camping Weekend in Amelia
November 2: Daddy/Daughter Dance @ The Crossing. (SignUp Genius is being circulated)
Nov 4-9: VQ Week.
Nov 5: Next Monthly Ruck at a new location!