Thursday, December 12
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Does it count??


Not sure if the Westhoe take over of Tomato Run counts when the locals Q-jack the route.

YHC spent a good amount of time mapping out a 5 mile route in the Rutland area making sure to memorize each turn and distance between..

Soooooooo when I got the AO and informed the locals, they all agreed: NOPE. That route will get you Run over.

There for… we followed Phonics on a Dora run that includes paths not on RunJoy mapping app. He did run me down to one of the roads on my map.. yup. Sure enough. Good call not running that road.

ok.. so anyway.. I don’t have a clue what roads we ran. But we ran and a backblast is posted. Some pax further than others and some Rucked. NO one was run over. The end.


About Author

Raised in Hampton.. Two 2.0s.. Director of Expansion: Speed For Need.. F3 Nation Truebadour.. Brother in the Gloom.. A broken pax, but working daily to be better.

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