Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Back Third of the Spider


Fourteen astute listeners gathered for a pre-published but somewhat complicated Spider Run today. The route included the last half of the turkey trot route in 2 weeks. Something like this (read in micro-machines format)

The Route

  • Up around the baseball field then left on College
  • Right on Lakewood
  • 4s left on Westham
  • 5/6 right on Wood to Waveny
  • 5s left on Westham
  • 6s right on Westham, left on Woodberry, left on Sweet Briar, left on Baldwin, right on Westham
  • Everyone south on Westham to left on Club Vista
  • Left on College
  • Right on Westhampton which turns into Keller if you go straight
  • Right on Westhampton
  • Right on UR
  • Right on Crenshaw
  • Uturn at Modlin parking lot
  • Left on UR
  • Counterclockwise loop on the big hill for a downhill finish

Numbers, names, YHC took us out.


Everyone has been thrilled with the ample turns the past few weeks. YHC is sure you have them all memorized for 2 weeks from now.


  • Dogpile needs a Q this weekend for those not running Richmond
  • Richmond marathon this weekend for some
  • Tuckaruck Friday 11/17. See Lockjaw/slack for details
  • 11/21 10k @ Spider Run. Arrive as early as necessary to finish a 10k by 615. Route is here.

See ya’ll.


Comments have been shifted to Slack. Please post all comments on backblasts in Slack.