A group of 13 strong dressed in the latest clubbing fashion to hit the early morning rave on the UR practice fields. According to the numerous travelers traveling River Road at ludacris speed, this is what supposedly occurred.
Upon the timely arrival of Handshake, off we go with a short mosey to Henricos’ smallest park. Introductions, disclaimers, warmups of various activities. Variety of mumble chatter ensued with YHC losing track of cadence for a portion. All good and warm, lets mosey down River.
Light traffic to the plush green fields of the UR practice fields where glow sticks were laid out in various positions around the perimeter. PAX huddles up in the middle of the field where instructions were given to venture out to each glow stick and perform 20 reps of exercise listed on card. Return to the center after each set to perform 3 burpees and continue to another station. 11 stations total as 1 glow stick was misplaced in preparation. Exercises included: merkins, ball dippers, WWII’s, squats, butterflys with coupons, imperial squat walkers, HRM, dying cockroaches, american hammers, mountain climbers & pole smokers. Some PAX completed extra rounds but good times were enjoyed. Still time on the clock after one round. Collect the glow sticks, coupons & cards and lets MBTTVF with glow sticks in hand. Quick stop for the turtles at Saab’s driveway, Upchuck led the rabbits in quick round of exercises.
Still time, Triple Check was called with timer running the loop, squats and LBC’s. 2 rounds completed before clock struck time.
Numbers, Names, Announcements, Prayers. Kubota took us out.
Announcements: CSAUP/Convergence Saturday at Godwin High School. Ruck at 6, Bootcamp at 7, CSAUP following boot camp.
NMS: Great to see Heist representing SOJ north of the river. It had been a while since we hit UR fields so YHC felt a Doozy inspired glow party Q was appropriate. Good to have Bacon Bits back in the fold with good oversharing. Reminder to pay and tip your service provider, especially on business trips. Well done fellas.