Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Bermuda Triangle


4 PAX made it out for another installment of the Bermuda Triangle at Goyne Park in Chester. It was a little cool if were standing still, good thing we wouldn’t be.

Here’s what we were up to

Warmup all In Cadence


Don Quyotes

Imperial Walkers

Finger tip Merkins


Quadruple check

Dumbbell burpee cleans



Traveler runs to the pavilion does 5 squats and runs back

Everyone does 4 sets

Mosey over to the playground for another quadruple check.

Walking jerkins

chair dips

hanging leg raises

traveller runs to the basketball court, does 10 squats and runs back.

Everyone does 4 sets

I think it was unanimous that our forearms were hurting after this.

Mosey back to the flag for some core exercises In Cadence.

Seated bicycles with arm circles

Freddie Mercuries


That’s it! Posh and Shank will not be attending next week as they are on vacation. Hope you guys have a great time!


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