Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny



Bullseye and Heist joined YHC for a Ménage-a-trois of pain (Courtesy Dodgeball). Workout went something like this –

Warm-a-rama: SSH, Merkins, Arm Circles, Don Q’s, LBC…probably some others.


YHC calls out exercises for #1 and #2. #1 starts exercise, #2 does second exercise with #3 running the stairs loop around the bleachers and then rotate. We stop once total for exercise #1 hits 300. We did squats, knee ups, Lt. Dan’s, and a couple others that I don’t remember.

Jog to the school for a quick hoedown and dirty mudcaps. Back to the flag to the join the runners.

YHC took us out with a quick prayer for my Mom who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Very treatable fortunately with surgery in April.


  • Nancy’s Thang on Sunday @ 415pm. New Market Clubhouse is the launch I believe
  • 2nd F events at Wongs, Billards, etc. Check Slack for details.

Small numbers provided a great opportunity to know more about Bullseye and Heist. One of them I was interested to know more about. Guesses?

Have a great day men!


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