Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Happy 29


2 Q’s in so many weeks. I didn’t plan to lead this week, but picked it up last minute. I had no idea what I was going to have the Pax do until last night at about 10pm. Since tomorrow is my 29th birthday, I decided we would do sets of 29 of each exercise. The group was small this morning with just 3. Florence modified and did what he could, props to him for still getting out there.

Side straddle Hop
Grave Digger
KB Swing
Lunges – double count
Goblet Squat
American Hammer
Flutter Kicks
Crunchy Frog

We moved through these faster than I anticipated, and my backup was doing burpees. I thought better of that. Rosie and I took a lap around Sweaty Beaver with our kettlebells, came back and joined Florence doing some shoulder presses, another round of WWIIs and two laps around the parking lot.

Numbers, Names, Announcements, Prayer

Prayers for OC’s son during surgery today as well as safe travels and recovery for Florence.

Next week 2/23- 2nd F lunch at Brickhouse Dinner 11:45(?)

Special thanks and shout-out to Rosie and Florence for the advice on planning and leading a Q – it was greatly appreciated.


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