Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Conversationally Meditating?


More people didn’t return for COP than departed this morning but nonetheless we still had fun staring at each other. Route was posted late(ish) yesterday afternoon. Some (one) saw it in advance and the other(s) still needed instruction. Off we went on a quest for doughnut smells and scratch & sniff peaches.

The Route


  • 6s: Do as planned
  • 5s: Turn left on Lafayette to Fitzhugh
  • 4s: Straight up Commonwealth to Fitzhugh

Numbers, names, silence, YHC took us out.


  • Chirp Chirp

RAMM proper has had lower numbers for a few weeks. Ask a friend or FNG to come out to join us. If you need directions to the AO, don’t ask TYA.

Splinter out


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