Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Bottle in a Brown Bag at 5:30


One PAX scraped out of The Fart Sack and launched in F3RVA’s earliest, least Richmond-based, Downrange run. Conditions remained 70 and sunny. According to the man walking – and appearing quite sober and well dressed – with a bottle in a brown bag, the following quite possibly happened:

Broward route. Out 2.5. Back 2.5. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

Number, name, YHC took himself out.

NMS: really, at 5:20? Wow. Would love to know the circumstances. Dude was dressed nicely, in an apartment and condo saturated area with no retail…and carrying a brown bag with a bottle at 5:20. Must have been a really good night or an exceptionally terrible night. Let’s hope it ended safely.

Annoucements: UpChuck is Qing Mary tomorrow on the CSAUP.


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