Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

You are the Sh*t. Love, Dad


9 Gloom Jockey’s hopped on the horse for a reminder that we were and we still are the sh*t. YHC started with a little transition between the seasons as we Mosied to the tennis court for a pre COP cardio. 4 sides shuffle, high knees, shuffle, bernie. COP was 20 SSH, 10 Imperial Squat Walkers, 10 Wide Merk, Oblique LBC R, LBC, Left, 10 Diamond Merk, 12? Crab Cakes, 10 regular merk.

The search continues for a Jerkin bar at No Toll – Failed toll with bar gate.

Following was 4 corners prostitute 10 Merk, 20 Freddie Merc, 30 Crab Cake, 40 SSH.

11s at the shelter for dips and Lt. Dan’s. DD modified to lunge steps to shorten the trip back from midfield to dips.

Bataan Bear Crawl with a 2 Burpee cherry through the rotation one time towards the flag.

Ended with 5 merkin ring of fire and a 30 second 6″ plank eyes to you’re adjacent neighbor for a reminder that you are still the Sh*t.

Announcements: Frozen triangle start at dogpile at 6. ready for ~3hrs of fun.

YHC learned that Merkin count is a double count exercise. Down on 1; Up on 2; Down on 3; Up on PAX “1” that’s two for the price of one. YHC closed with a reminder that we were made in the image of our creator. As Last Call said “My body is a temple”


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