Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Watch out for the PTA


6 strong, including a FNG, came out to a packed parking lot at Punisher. We got out of the way of all the PTA attendees and got after it:

COP: SSH, Don Qs, Helicopters, Ukrainian Soldiers, Merkins, LBCs

Mosey to side of school: Alternate Bear Crawl & Lunges down to blacktop. Partner up for min Dora: 50 Merkins, 100 V-Ups, 150 Jumpsquats. Mosey over to playground for 4 sets of Merkin-Ups and WWIIs. Head over to benches: 4 sets of 30 Dips and 10 Deep-slow squats.

Partner up again: 3 rounds of 20 PLTs then some B2W and Chicken Peckers. Back to the front of the school for a Triple Check of HRMs, Reverse Crunch, & run the loop. 1 min of Mary and finish back at the flag.

NMS: FNG Full Nelson posted on recommendation of a friend. The double-respect FNG put in solid work and will be back. EF Hutton joined YHC on a Monday double dip after Flo’s solid VQ. Whitesnake thinks he’s a Punisher regular now but he needs to Q a few more times before qualifying for regular status. Good to see 40 Whacks back out and he was even nice enough to dress in same outfit as the Q.


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