Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

11th Annual Shawn G. Hogan Memorial Beer Mile



I invite the PAX to come out to the 11th Annual Shawn G. Hogan Memorial Beer Mile. For those that have not heard, Shawn was a very dear friend of mine and former college roommate of Handshake’s. Shawn lived a life of adventure and sadly he was killed in an Army training incident 11 years ago Shawn and I ran cross country in college and enjoyed beer. We always joked about running a beer mile one day, but sadly Shawn and I never got the opportunity to run one together. So every year around the time of his passing friends and family of Shawn get together to commemorate him with a beer mile.

I would have liked to think that Shawn would have enjoyed F3, so it is one of the reasons why I like to bring this group into the fold of the beer mile. Shawn liked adventures and crazy workouts. He has his own CrossFit Hero WOD which is nuts stupid hard (Link to workout). When he was young in his Army career he won the Army’s Best Sapper contest, and here’s what the events entailed:

The six events covered more than 40 miles of wooded terrain and started with a nonstandard physical fitness test of five minutes of push-ups, five minutes of sit-ups and three minutes of pull-ups and ended with a three-mile run in interceptor body armor and small-arms protective-insert plates that began the process of weeding out the teams.

After a helocast and poncho raft swim, competitors entered the round-robin phase faced with challenges that included a stress shoot, timber-cutting charge, counter-force charge, Military Operations on Urban Terrain breach and an urban challenge.

Other events during the competition included a 15-mile road march, and a series of Sapper stakes with tests that ranged from weapons and knot identification to patient airlift operations, locating explosive charges, combat-life-saving techniques and an obstacle course.

So this October 29th at 7 PM, I invite you to participate or spectate, whatever you wish. Race check in starts at 7:00 PM, and the race kicking off shortly thereafter. The race consists of 4 quarter mile segments and drinking one beer before each segment, 4 beers total & 1 mile total. Even if you don’t drink you can do like Greenbow one year where he drank 4 non-alcoholic ginger beers – gross. This event is M and 2.0 friendly, as I will have mine there too. Also if you just want to see me beat Handshake and cheer us on, that is totally cool too, spectators and sideline drinkers are all the more welcome!

Race Details:

Address: 3423 Noble Ave, RVA

What to bring: 4 frosty beverages of your choosing

Post race party to follow at my house with pizza and more frosty beverages.


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