Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

One Day at a Time


0729 and a crew of 3 rolled out of the bunk house to see what YHC had in store.

COP- SSH, Arm Circles, Ukrainian Soldiers, LBC, Flutter Kicks.

Triple Check- partner 1 runs to black top, partner 2 squats, partner 3 merkins. YHC paired and kept workout in sync. Upon finishing, time to grab coupons and head to the entrance. The Bridge has an awesome track within the compound. Everyone knows YHC likes to cover miles!

50 reps of arm curls with coupon, run 1 lap. 50 reps of overhead presses with coupon, run 1 lap. 50 squats with coupon, run 1 lap. Lunge with coupon to end of the parking lot and return coupons.

PLT x 25, 2 reps.

AYG field sprint to black top and back to parking lot.

Number-ama, Name-r-ama, COT and Squater took us out!

NMS: 62 miles from driveway to parking lot. YHC was driving west on 60 and saw the sunrise in the rearview which gave time for reflection. First and most importantly, 17 year anniversary of my marriage. YHC has been blessed and been given a gift from God. My M is amazing, supportive, beautiful, dedicated, intelligent, and truly the one I am supposed to be with for as long as God allows my to be on Earth.

During our runs around The Bridge, mumblechatter focused on one day at a time and the fight that we all have sometimes to dig deep and successfully navigate life’s challenges. YHC encouraged three PAX members to avoid looking at weeks and months down the road but, focus on one day at a time and overcoming the challenges that each day brings. Life is overwhelming and can smother you. Given the PAX circumstances, one day at a time is ok for them!

YHC enjoyed the small group and the conversations with each one to learn more about them. 2 Bridge Members were on IR and meeting them was super too. Coffee afterwards was more quite but the camaraderie and sunny morning provided time for reflection. YHC thanked them for letting me lead and spend time with them this morning. YHC left with his tank full and a smile on my face for I am blessed in so many ways!!!!!

Loud and Proud,



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