Wednesday, September 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Upsized my bell


9 warriors descended upon the friendly confines of MG looking to do some bell sculpting. One PAX was really proud of going from a 25 pound bell to 35 pounds and I with my 30 pound bell am jealous.

COP: Invisible jump rope, DQs, Scorpion kicks, FMs, ACs.

E1: Curb crawl revised with a coupon to drag and instead of merkins do sit and presses.

E2 and 3: Roll a die and do one of the following exercises depending on roll. Burpees, sit and press, coupon flutters, bench press, bicep curls, shoulder press, lawnmower pulls, tricep press, coupon squats, derkins and more burpees.

We went through 3 x with a run around the loop in between and at the end and at the beginning. Lots of ground covered for a KB workout.

Finished with 3 sets of DKs (15, 20, 25) and some MCs, something I thought of on the spot and some stretcheroonie.

Praise and prayers for Lab Rat, Pinto, Blue Moon and friend of White Deer’s named Mark.

Good to lead even with a few workout complaints from the PAX.

Happy Birthday By Product. Free coffee for you.

Fireman Ed


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