7 at Hoedown today. Here’s how it went.
Parking lot at the corner
10 Lunge Twist Right
10 Lunge Twist Left
10 Travolta Right
10 Travolta Left
20 Rocky Balboas (toe taps in a plank position)
20 Deep Mountain Climbers
10 Alabama Prom Date (one-legged) Right
10 Alabama Prom Date (one-legged) Left
Upper Parking lot
5 minutes of burpees
Wall Courtyard: 15 air-press (People’s chair) in cadence, 10 BTTW hip slaps in cadence, 15 Donkey Kix OYO
Wall Courtyard: 15 milkers (People’s chair) in cadence, 10 BTTW Australian Mountain Climbers in cadence, 15 Donkey Kix OYO
Wall Courtyard: 15 Lalannes (People’s chair) in cadence, 12 BTTW ToeTaps in cadence, 15 Donkey Kix OYO
Wall Courtyard: 15 Muhamad Ali (People’s chair) in cadence, 10 Dirty Hookups in cadence, 15 Donkey Kix OYO
Playground: Teams of three
Timer: 10 Pull-ups, Dips, WWIIs: Clockwise rotation: 3X
Upper Parking lot: Pair Up
Bear Crawl to middle: 10 Hand slap Merkins, Mosey back: 3x
Wall Courtyard: 11s Angry Donkeys (People’s Chair airpress and Donkey kicks)
Run around the circular (oval) driveway
Grassy area in the middle:
20 Dollies
20 Heels to Heaven
10 Merkins
60 second leg lift
Tuckahoe Takeover must be over because I was able to sign up for the Q. It’s now starting to get warm in the morning. It wasn’t quite 70 degrees but it was humid. Get ready for the summer! Drink lots of liquids beforehand. And maybe bring something to drink after the workout is over.
Prayers for Lab Rat, Whitesnake’s neighbor, Pinto and the people of Ukraine.
May 30 Memorial Day convergence.
June 4 Blood Drive at Epiphany Lutheran, Please sign up to donate blood at Redcrossblood.org. Also, we need some assistance with the blood drive, You can sign up to help with the Q-signup sheet. There is a tab (worksheet) for the Blood Drive. Less than 3 weeks to go. We have 6 donors out of 37 slots.