Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Level 8 of Nintendo


Ten Ganymede ganderers gathered to admire the skies prior to YHC declaring north and south routes for the day. Pucker wasn’t awake yet but somehow he still found his way. Here’s how it went, more or less:

The Route

  • North on Westmoreland to a right on Fitz-Hugh
  • Right on Commonwealth and continue south to a left on Grove
  • Left on Woodlawn and continue north to a right on Fitz-Hugh
  • Right on Sauer and continue south back to Grove
  • 4s take a right on Grove and head home
  • 5s/6s take a left on Grove and north on Antrim
  • 5s take a right on Patterson to a right on Malvern
  • 6s take a right on Grace to a right on Malvern
  • 5s/6s continue south on Malvern to a right on Grove and head home

Numbers, names, YHC took us out.


Lighter crew for this last Friday in April. After Profit asked Google (apparently a him) about the bright star beside Venus was, off we went to what YHC thought was perfectly clear instructions. Pucker clearly didn’t understand so extra time was taken pre-launch to get it all straight. In the end he made it. To be fair, Bone Thugs made it too and he completely missed the instructions.

Ample conversation post COP about some of the stereotypical things we as men do. Some watch Melrose (sic) Place while others make friends with neighbors who don’t even know who you are. You have to post to understand!

Prayers to all those in our PAX who are dealing with life’s speed bumps. Slow down, take a breath, pass the hazard, then accelerate through the rest of life.



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