Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Soul Train Answers the call


Three runners of varying speed posted for some miles before beers where several other PAX members met up at the Answer. No partial credit awarded to GP who announced the HDHH and then had to pass off because of work. Big thanks for Soul Train for stepping up and taking the Q to make sure this HDHH happened. Topics after the run centered around the Beer Mile, including Handshake’s 2021 RVA beer mile title. Faceplant was looking to nudge the PAX up to the 30/30/30 challenge but no takers.

Announcements: West End lunch group resumes starting next Tuesday. Let Gypsy know your feedback on locations.


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  1. I’m sorry I was there. I think we need Honey Do and EF Hutton at the Beer Mile next year, that will ramp up the competition