Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Tuesday Run of the Anvils


5 Davillians came out for the new Run/Ruck/Walk option for Daville on Tuesdays.

Ruck/Walkers – No takers today

Runners – This was test loop for the group. Heading into Giles and started out on the trail. Took a couple of detour loops before come out near the top for the hill. Ran down the main road and loop around at the back of the neighborhood.

4 milers – Took the road straight back to the school and did a short loop behind the greenhouse

5 milers – Took the trail back then loop down to the football parking lot before heading back

Great run by all



1 Comment

  1. Mr Holland –

    Sysiphus needs your help pushing this rock that was given to him. I’ll give you my Q at Twin Team if you can remember the story.