Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

UpChuck Is an Inclusive Q


4, probably 5, but definitely not 6, launched into the rain and gloom (real gloom, not F3 Gloom) for the latest edition of Sunday Funday. Conditions were sunny and 70, per usual. According to the walkers who groaned at us going through Maymont, here’s more or less what happened:

6:30 launch: Swiper (13ish?) and Shakedown (11.4)

7:00 launch: Doublemint and YHC (6.6). Riverside, Belle Isle, Oregon Hill, Idylwood, back to the VSF.

7:00 (?) from points afar: Saab (10).

Names, numbers, YHC took us out.

NMS: Solid today, Doublemint. Thank you.

Good chatter at ET’s.

UpChuck spits the bit.


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  1. Good to run today. ET’s delivered as always. Assuming by “deliver” YHC means “mumble chatter made up for lack of food options.”

  2. Great route today Upchuck, thanks for leading.

    It wasn’t bacon, but my chickpea and basil salad was not half bad … ??‍♂️