Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

A Corny Day


Five Punisher regulars bathed in cooler weathers and a full moon to finish the last workout of the first day of the week.

Off to the field for COP under the mighty oak. The trees know that it is officially Fall and the acorns are aplenty. Sliding on acorns, tossing acorns and all around revelry involving acorns. Exercises included Helicopters, Don Quixote, Dead Man Hang, Russian Soldiers, and Imperial Walkers.

Over to the front of the school for a derivative of the Red Barchetta, which YHC will call AbSplosion.

  • 10% of the way down the field for 10 HRM and back to the wall for 20 Donkey Kicks
  • 10% of the way down the field for 10 HRM, 25% for 25 V-Ups, and back to the wall for 20 Donkey Kicks
  • 10% of the way down the field for 10 HRM, 25% for 25 V-Ups, 50% for 50 flutter kicks, and back to the wall for 20 Donkey Kicks
  • 10% of the way down the field for 10 HRM, 25% for 25 V-Ups, 50% for 50 flutter kicks, 75% for 75 LBCs, and back to the wall for 20 Donkey Kicks
  • 10% of the way down the field for 10 HRM, 25% for 25 V-Ups, 50% for 50 flutter kicks, 75% for 75 LBCs, 100% for 100 American Hammers, and back to the wall for 20 Donkey Kicks

Yeah, that sucked.

Over to the wall and line up for the People Chair. First round – 2 feet on the ground while each member of the pax takes turns performing 10 wall jumps. Second round – left foot on the ground with left foot wall jumps. Third round – right foot on the ground with right foot wall jumps. Finish it off with 10 chicken peckers.

Off to the side of the school for triple check. Bear Crawl to the fence for 10 sling squats and bear crawl back. Other partners were BTTW and elbow planks.

A quick round of Lindsays at the picnic tables with dips and box cutters.

Chum Bucket walked us through some Yoga to make everything all right with the world.

YHC took us out.


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