Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Beast me


Four posted for the most recent Punisher. Mosey from the sunny parking lot to the nearby shade for startup COP with SSHs, IWs, DQs, Helicopters, Shoulder Taps, Suzanne Somers, and Freddie Mercuries.

Move to the area adjacent to the school wall and begin Cumulative Short Field Beast running east to the sidewalk at the edge of the school grounds and back, completing six reps of the first exercise at each of three stops out and three stops back. Round two, repeat the first exercise and add the second exercise at each stop. And so on. Exercises were Reverse Crunches, Two Count Mountain Climbers, Forward Lunges, Imaginary Jump Ropes, Carolina Dry Docks, and Two Count Standing Overhead Presses.

Relocate 25 yards from the Beast finish and circle up for five rounds of five WWIIs each. Hop up and complete Bat Wings – in cadence completion of 20 Small Forward Arm Circles, 20 Small Backward Arm Circles, 20 Seal Claps, and 20 Overhead Claps.

Mosey back to the parking lot and YHC took us out.


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