Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Town Hall on ZOOM


Brothers – there is a consensus to have Thursday’s Town Hall exclusively on ZOOM using the same link as we use for 3rd F (below). We will start at 8PM. ALL PAX are invited to an open discussion about our Region, and how we can pull together post-Pandemic to support and refresh what makes F3RVA unique and effective.

Zoom Meeting ID:  822 7005 7337 (PW on Slack)


About Author

Joined F3 at NoToll 9/25/18. Started The FORGE 4/4/19. Fealty to SOJ. Follower of Jesus Christ. Pediatrician. Missionary. Husband to the M since 2005. Papa to a couple awesome 2.0's "Oreo" & "Banjo".


  1. F3 brothers – I have been asked about an agenda for the meeting tonight starting @ 8am. To ensure we keep this meeting to a reasonable timeframe the below is an outline for the meeting:

    1- Welcome and Roll call for attendees. Corned Beef will be the MC for this meeting to ensure we stay on track time-wise; however, we also will ensure that everyone who wishes to speak has the floor. Corned Beef will also share some notes from Brothers who are not able to attend this meeting.
    Tryhard will be taking minutes of the meeting to include in the Back Blast. (5 minutes).

    2- AO’s – Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic restrictions that forced us to keep the groups to 10 or less, many AO’s including a Zoom workout was generated to ensure we could continue to have or morning workouts. This generated many AO’s(33 total on the Q sheet) and some are thriving others not so much. This is based on attendance. (5 minutes)

    3- Round Table discussion on F3 RVA – During this section of the meeting we will open the floor for individual brothers to discuss(in no particular order) – what they Love about F3RVA, what is working well, what they want to help/serve to Improve in F3RVA. We need to ensure people are able to speak from their heart, when they are finished we may be able to discuss as a group for various opinions and some of concerns may need to be in the ‘Parking Lot’ for later discussion as we want to be sure everyone has the floor. (45 Minutes)

    4- Review Parking Lot list – (4 Minutes)

    5 – COT – Close out in Prayer – (1 minute)

    Total meeting Time 1 hour – Corned Beef will ensure we hold to the hard stop at 9PM.

    Please contact me if you have any questions and we look forward to seeing you at 8PM