Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Bo Don’t Know Where He’s Going


9 formed up in 2’s and 3’s to forge a path through the raging waters at the most recent edition of RAMM. Conditions were sunny and 70 with a slight drizzle below the cloud layer. According to the silent female runner on Grove, this is more or less what happened:

All Runners

Commonwealth to Berkshire.

Left on Dover.

Right on Portland.

Right on Douglasdale to the bottom of the hill.

(Do not get close to the quarry entrance, which is guarded closely).

4 Milers

At bottom of Douglasdale, reverse direction. Run to top of Douglasdale. 

Return to MM via Portland, left at Dover, right at Berkshire and straight onto Commonwealth.

5 Milers

At bottom of Douglasdale, reverse direction. Turn left onto Loch Lomond and run to the end. Reverse and run the length of Loch Lomond, then reverse back to Douglasdale (this makes a cross in the neighborhood).

Right on Douglasdale. 

At the top of the hill, right on Rothesay and run the Rothesay loop.

Return to MM using Portland to Dover to Berkshire to Commonwealth.

6 Milers

At bottom of Douglasdale, reverse direction. Turn left onto Loch Lomond and run to the end. Reverse and run the length of Loch Lomond, then reverse back to Douglasdale (this makes a cross in the neighborhood).

Right on Douglasdale to the top of the hill.

Reverse down the Douglasdale hill and repeat the above cross shape in the neighborhood.

On the second lap, turn right on Rothesay and run the Rothesay loop.

Return to MM using Portland to Dover to Berkshire to Commonwealth.

Number-am-a, Name-a-ram-a, YHC took us out with a message about enjoying the day and being an honorable person.


Convergence on Saturday July 3 to celebrate July 4, coincidentally a day many of us will also get together. YHC hereby invites the OTB group to Converge, in person or in spirit, on Sunday. Start time is 7:00.

Hitchhiker hosting a funfest at his place at 5:30 p.m. on Saturday, July 17. Dudes only. Finger food provided. BYO Beverages.


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  1. I really did not know. “Bo knows…..” does not apply to my knowledge of the Spider Run or RAMM neighborhoods. I believe you also yelled at me to keep me on the path at the last Spider Run you Qd. Thank you brother, for keeping me straight! Great weather and conversation today!

  2. Bodo’s / BoBerry…it’s a weird set of streets.

    During the CSAUP 100 Miler, one guy got lost in Windsor Farms. I recall he lost about 5-10 minutes of time.