Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Zuul at Mary


15 buff Gozerians agreed to cross streams and combine their psychokinetic energies in today’s edition of 45MOM of Mary / Jerry / Gary / Larry. Conditions were 70 and sunny. According to Walter Peck of the Environmental Protection Agency, this is more or less what happened:

Mosey to the grassy area by the Monkey Bars for The COP:

1 burpee
no burpees
Dead Man Hang
1 burpee
2 burpees
HRMs x15
Flutter kicks

Mosey to the Row of 8 Trees on Commonwealth for Suicides

Run to the first tree. One WWII sit-up. Back to the start.
2nd tree – 2 WWIIs. Back to the start.
Repeato for all 8 trees.
The Catch: there are two benches. Every time the PAX passes a bench in either direction, do 5 mercans.

Mosey to the Trees on the Corner of Commonwealth and Cary for more Suicides.

Run to the first tree. Five 4-count flutter kicks. Back to the start.
2nd tree – Ten 4-count Flutter kicks. Back to the start.
Repeato for all 4 trees.
The Catch: There is a garbage can at the end. Do 5 burpees at the can.

Peter Venkman (aka UpChuck/YHC) informed the PAX that the Keymaster is moving to California. Keymaster took over for an abbreviated VQ.

Circle Up for the Wedding Suite (APDs and Pickle Pounders)

Mosey to the Grassy Area for A Race (somewhere Bone Thugs was watching):

Two teams race up and back, one Gozerian at a time.

Round 1: Footrace
Round 2: Bear crawl
Round 3: Crab walk

Back to YHC. Mosey to the tennis courts for another Suicide.

1st court: bear crawl
2nd court: lunge
3rd court: run

Stage Dives. This was a new one. 6 guys circle around a 7th guy. Lift that man 5 times (as though he’s stage diving). Lather, rinse, repeat x7.


Numbers, names, TYA took us out with a message about goodness and leadership.


Convergence on Saturday, July 3 at 7:00 a.m.
Any PAX not signed up for Slack, please drop YHC a line. Lots of summer items in the works. Looking for someone to organize the next HDHH (Tuesday’s was solid from what YHC has heard).
There is a rumor that Vinny’s baseball may make an appearance soon.

Breaking Bread is full for the summer. Look for announcements in early August about the September through December sign-ups. Well done, gentlemen. Barbara and the guests thank everyone who has helped. YHC thanks you as well.


As noted, today was Keymaster’s last post before moving to northern California. Not having Q’d yet, Keymaster received his draft notification at 05:25 this morning. Solid Q for a first-timer put on the spot. Well done. Pleasure having you as part of this group for many years. Best wishes for a safe move, enjoy being closer to your wife’s family, and don’t be a stranger.

Speaking of strangers, Fudd made an appearance. He is moving to Colorado again soon. Best with the work plans and great to see you. Side Note: No, Fudd is not juicing. He’s a naturally gifted athlete with a high-speed motor that has been turbo-boosted by several years of living at 6,000 feet. His lungs are bigger than your’s. Crushed it today.

Speaking of juicing, there is surely something in the water or the genes at the Murchie Family home. Holy smokes. Munson annihilated the workout today, adding a few extra rounds on several of the evolutions. YHC sees you. Solid push; solid leadership for the PAX.

Peter Venkman spits the bit.


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1 Comment

  1. It was a great day to lead. Nice to have Keymaster join me with his VQ. God speed.