Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Who do people say I am?


3rd F is quickly becoming my favorite of the 3 F’s in the RVA region. Don’t get me wrong.. YHC loves seeing you guys in the Gloom.. but the mumble chatter while rolling around in the middle of freshly manured spring field has nothing on the 1 hour of COT that we have in the 3rd F.
It is a COT.. so what is said in 3rd F says in 3rd F. But this is what we covered.

The purpose of this AO is to push the PAX along their journey in developing the 3rd F – Faith.  We recognize that PAX are at their own place on the journey and proceed at their own pace.  PAX are encouraged to share.  It is not required to share (wise men learn by listening), but there is a requirement to allow others to share.  What is shared in this 3rd F stays with the 3rd F; it is a COT.  None of the PAX has a monopoly on the truth, though we are all truth seekers.  It is fine to disagree.  If there are not disagreements, then we are probably doing it wrong.

This 3rd F event:

  • Is free of charge,
  • Is a discussion based on the Christian faith, but is open to all men,
  • Is peer led by volunteer Qs who may or may not be certified/ordained.

We started with: Who is Jesus?
Mark:  8:27
“Jesus and his disciples went on to the villages around Caesarea Philippi. On the way he asked them, “Who do people say I am?

Responses: A man?
A Prophet?
The Savior?
The Bridge?
The Son of God? (so is Solomon and Israel once he was no longer Jacob)
The Holy Spirit in the Flesh?
Interesting claim:  “‘Son of God’ was a classical term for someone whose father was unknown. Jesus was called ‘the son of God’ because that was a term that mothers called their children when they didn’t know who the father was. There was no great mystical or religious significance to the term, as the churches try to claim today.”

Why are you searching for Him? 
Have you found Him or have you found what you hope is him? Are you looking because it was others want you to do or are you seeking for yourself.
Luke 2:49 “Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”

John 11:25:  “Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;”

Thank you for allowing me to lead.
John (Gypsy) Boles


About Author

Raised in Hampton.. Two 2.0s.. Director of Expansion: Speed For Need.. F3 Nation Truebadour.. Brother in the Gloom.. A broken pax, but working daily to be better.

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