Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Morning sickness


9 stallions and one out of practice last minute substitute Q, showed up expecting Doozey to appear from the fog at any moment, ball & chain in hand.

When he failed to materialize, Honeydo jokingly suggested I take the helm, and I (being somewhat lost this early in the morning), complied. AKA “why I spent an hour after breakfast Monday feeling like I was going to splash merlot”

So, yeah, I blame Honeydo for this mess I got myself into.


Run across Forest Ave. to parking lot

Intro, merkins, imperial walkers, armcircles

Run South on Forest to next parking lot

Partner up for Dora: 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 4-count Freddy Mercury’s while partner does a lap

While this was going on, especially for the 300 reps, Pax enjoyed the regret telling Greenbow “those bicycle things” are called Freddy Mercury’s

Run to fenced blacktop

Man Killers in honor of Doozey – like his signup on the Q sheet this morning, this was quickly exposed as a “mistake”. Last Call had to step in lead these, because I forgot how (THANKS!)

Pax divides in half for a crossing pattern – 500 Merkins, 250 ww2s as a team.

The way we did the X, each team decided.. The way we should have done it: split Pax in half, do 20 reps of exercise 1, sprint to opposite corner, do 10 reps exercise 2, sprint back to start. Repeat for 5 rounds.

Lap around the parking lot, to the grass for Mary – LBCs, leg lifts, scissor kicks.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: BRR a long time from now, but almost full. Blood drive much sooner.

YHC took us out: thankful for Easter; be kind; encourage someone


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  1. does anyone read these? Or just the first few lines published to the Slack preview?

  2. I read it.

    When Charlotte killed the F3 app (and would not let locals take it over), comments dropped dramatically in volume. Yet another demonstration of the benefits of the starfish (no central authority) model.

  3. I read and comment. Glad I was able to cajole you into Qing Greenbow. You picked up just fine!