Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

19th Century British Lit


Thirteen budding scholars slipped and slode their way to the Commons for today’s Spider Run. Directions were once again impeccable, listening on the other hand could use a little work. Activate launch mode for:

The Route
– Around the baseball field then left on College
– Right on Lakewood then right on Westham
– Left on Lindsay to a right on Forest
– Left on University Boulevard
– Left on Arlington Circle
– 4s return back via University & Forest
– 5s and 6s take a left on Sawmill
– Sawmill turns into Shelley
– Right on Keats which intersects University after a name change to Sharon
– 5s take a right on University and return via Forest
– 6s take a left on University to a right on Henrico to the top before returning via University and Forest

Numbers, names, YHC took us out.

Ample confusion this morning as apparently Pucker doesn’t know the difference between the two Universities and EF Hutton and Bodos had their fill of British Lit after Shelley. Regardless, there appeared to be general positivity towards this route today. Enough so that we may try it again when the sun slowly emerges from her winter slumber to kiss our cheeks with the dawn of the new day.

Who knew we had so many English majors. No time for stopping by woods on a snowy evening, this PAX yearns for early 1800s British prose.

No announcements today.




  1. I see what you do there Splinter. brilliant. Maybe we should start a 19th C Brit lit bourbon club
    “The sunlight claps the earth, and the moonbeams kiss the sea: what are all these kissings worth, if thou kiss not me?” ― Percy Bysshe Shelley

  2. Voting for 2f Canterbury Tales reading in olde high english where we get to punch those that deliver their assignment with nary a mispronunciation. Or are too eager.

    ” whiff of both ” bah

  3. I’m pretty sure Percy’s wife wrote Frankenstein. Can you imaging the dinner conversations for that couple?